Sunday, 12 June 2011

Puffin colour ringing

Another wonderful day out with the Pembs Ringing Group. This was a trip to Skokholm Island to colour ring Puffins as part of a research project for Oxford University (E.G.I.).

Den and Renate extracting from the 2 x 60ft nets through a small part of the Puffin colony.
Part of the ringing team in action including Jerry, the Skokholm warden.
Each bird was fitted with a unique combination of 3 colour rings and a BTO metal ring.
Biometrics including bill depth, number of grooves on the bill and head to bill tip were taken.
And weighed. Puffins weigh around 360 - 400g.
The sample required by EGI is 150 birds. This is Skokholm 99 taking a final bite before release!!Back to the boat after a very successful day out on Skokholm hoping this will be a valuable contribution to ongoing seabird research.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck from Santiago de Compostela. I'll come back to Wales on 24th...


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