Tuesday, 7 May 2019

A look at Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler nests

The following photographs are of the very similar nests of Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. Both nests are located in scrubby grassland. The Chiffchaff has built next to a mature hedgerow where the bramble meets the rank grassland. The Willow Warbler has built at the base of Blackthorn that is encroaching the rank grassland.

This Chiffchaff nest is about 250mm-300mm off of the ground. The view of the six eggs is from the side entrance into the nest as it has a canopy or roof. The female was incubating after the fifth egg. All being well. the eggs should hatch in another seven days.

This Willow Warbler nest has been built directly on the ground. The nest has seven eggs at present and the camera is almost on the ground to look into the entrance of the roofed nest so sorry about the shadow over the eggs. I am not sure if this nest is going to be viable as I could see what appears to be a vole track passing directly below.