Friday 31 May 2024

A late May summary

Reed Warblers are one of our RAS species on the Teifi Marshes. So far, 28 new, 8 returning birds have been re-encountered to the end of May. 

At Cors Dyfi, 5 new, 1 returning breeding female from last year and this control that was  ringed at Llangorse lake 5 years ago

Reed Warbler ANH2087

Ringed Llangorse Lake, Powys 20/08/2019

Re-encountered Cors Dyfi NNR 18/05/2024 1733 days 85km NNW

So far this spring 160 Sedge Warblers have been ringed on the Teifi Marshes, mostly birds on migration. Two were also caught that we had ringed in previous years. The biggest Sedge Warbler migration day was on the 4th May, a predictable date with 43 ringed and one with a Brussels ring. 

Two Chough recoveries ....

EY80581 ringed at a confidential site nr Newquay 24/05/2014

Re-encountered on the A487 as a road casualty 21/04/2024 3620 days

EZ08062 ringed at a confidential site nr Cardigan  21/05/2015
Re-encountered nr Moylegrove 19/05/2024 3286 days 

Chris was Whoosh netting Linnets for the RAS project when a Chough wandered in...

Pied Flycatcher monitoring is underway in several woodlands.  In Cwm Rheidol, a WTSWW reserve, Naomi has 2 breeding adults that were ringed in the same wood in 2021 as pulli and now nesting less than 200 metres from where they fledged. 

A summary of the Pied Flycatcher season to follow in a couple of weeks. Some of the Group have been helping Fledgemore RG with their large Pied Flycatcher RAS at the Gwenffrwd Dinas reserve. It will be interesting to compare breeding success in the different woods.

Dipper monitoring is also continuing with the outcome of several second broods awaited.

CES Studies..

At Cors Caron, Arfon is leading the preparation for a new 6 net CES. 

The Llechryd garden CES has started with predictably low numbers of adults until the young birds fledge. 

(Wendy J and Rich D)