Saturday 5 July 2014

Adult acros.. our Reed Warbler RAS

A small session in the Mallard net runs this morning produced the usual interesting reed-bed records.
Of the 15 Reed Warblers caught, eight were new juveniles. Amongst the six recaptured adults, surprisingly three of the birds the first recapture this year, and L598298 her first recapture(a breeding female) since being ringed here as a juvenile on 13th September 2010. We have now recaptured 36+ adults from previous years and 19+ new adults this season.
Only one adult Sedge Warbler caught, we won't see many adults after mid a typically worn wing of the adult Sedge Warbler today..
The large late summer passage is mainly juveniles, maybe we will find c10 adults amongst the c400 Sedge Warblers we plan for in August...and an Aquatic....or two...

1 comment:

  1. & aquatic........ Ha, you can but hope!
    Good luck:-)


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