Saturday 10 October 2015


I suppose the highlights of the last week or so have been the two Yellow-browed Warblers that we've ringed on our Teifi Marshes scrubland site. This is the second one, ringed by Ryan yesterday:

Just as interesting to me have been the extraordinary influxes of Coal Tits and Great Tits to the reserve and to my garden, and they just seem to keep on coming.  Yesterday I got my first control Great Tit, so it'll be nice to find out how far that's come.

Also, I've been seeing one or two unmoulted juvenile greater coverts on a good proportion of these Great Tits, something that as far as I can remember I've (almost?) never come across before. Does this give a clue as to their origins - to me suggesting somewhere in the north of the European continent, or does it mean that they've come from very late broods?

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