Details have been received of a Redwing with a Belgian ring caught in Wendy's garden near Cardigan on the 10th October 2023. 10X89020 was ringed on 14th November 2022 at Herentals, Antwerpen, Belgium. 330 days 658 km west.
Redwing |
Lamping mainly during the new moon periods has been good this winter. Both teams out using Thermal Imagers to survey and find birds.
Fieldfare - Brennig |
Recent evenings surveying in the dark on our Frenni and Boncath sites. Frenni, 60 Golden Plovers, 12 Woodcock, 10 Fieldfare, 4 Snipe. The small groups of Woodcock rather than individuals spaced out on the hillsides indicative of migrating birds.
On Boncath fields, our highest ever count of 26 Golden Plover and 8 Woodcock. A Woodcock weighing just over 400g a sign of a migrant - most mid winter birds weigh nearer 300-320g.
Whilst on the night of the 9th March - Arfon trapped his 250th Woodcock of the winter season.
Woodcock - Arfon |
No less remarkable, the 26 Jack Snipe trapped in his study area in North Carmarthenshire.. Also on one of Arfon's study farms, a retrap Jack Snipe that was ringed in the same location last March.
Jack Snipe - Brennig |
Preparations are well under way for our nets around the late winter reed cut on the Teifi Marshes.....
We are on the last series of very high tides before White Wagtails, Hirundines and then the Sedge and Reed Warblers arrive.
Currently, a few local or migrant Pied's roost every night, this retrap from August 2023 caught on the 5th March and interestingly our first ever re-encounter of a Pied Wagtail. Perhaps they are migrants....?
Retrap Pied Wagtail age 5 |
A few of the Group have just returned from Kartong Bird Observatory in The Gambia. A few surprises which may affect our ringing this Spring too. A very low number of Phylloscs, including a total absence of Chiffchaffs. Relatively high numbers of Common Whitethroat, Treecreepers and Woodchat Shrikes.
A couple of Ospreys caught and colour ringed too (caught in mist nets)