Monday 15 July 2024

Storm Petrel studies

A little background to our increasing effort with Storm Petrels... 

Skokholm warden, Rich Brown, believes nest site availability is a limiting factor to the breeding population on the island, currently c2000 pairs. With the building of two Petrel Stations on Skokholm with their c 250 nest chambers and with Lundy and Ramsey now rat free there is a great opportunity for the population to increase.

This is Storm Petrel Station II on Skokholm, built and ready for the 2024 breeding season.

This herringbone front contains the entrance to almost 120 nest chambers

See the following link for the story of building Petrel Station I in 2016

Skokholm Petrel Station I

Our ringing at Strumble Head, North Pembs follows on from earlier studies by Ian Spence. He commenced Storm Petrel ringing at Strumble in 1983 and ringed for short spells, mostly in July every year from 1991 to 2003. In that time he ringed 847 birds and controlled 39 at Strumble.

Having concentrated our efforts in Ceredigion at Mwnt, for the reasons outlined above, we are now increasing our efforts at Strumble instead. So far this season we have captured 124 Storm Petrels including 9 controls. 

Ringing at Strumble - Stephen Hyam

Here are some of the movements resulting from our increased effort at Strumble Head this month. In our June blog we mentioned some other movements from West coast breeding colonies. We hope that our continuing study at our non breeding site adds to the picture of Storm Petrel movements.

Storm Petrel movements July 2024

Re-encounter reports from Strumble received so far this month..

This was the first re-encounter in South West Ireland for us
2720384  Strumble Head 22/06/2023
Illauntannig, Kerry 05/07/2024 379 days 276deg W D Manley

2739421 Strumble Head 18/07/2023
Skokholm Island 10/07/2024 358 days 40km SSW

2787231 Strumble Head 01/07/2024
Skokholm Island  11/07/2024 10 days 40km SSW

2739449 Strumble Head  26/07/2023
Skokholm Island    14/07/2024 354 days 40km SSW

and this month, re-encounters at Strumble...

2765615 Lundy Island 10/07/2023
Strumble Head  11/07/2024 367 days 96km NNW

2764817 Calf of Man 24/08/2021
Strumble Head 12/07/2024 1053 days 225 km S

2774902 Skokholm Island 20/07/2023
Strumble Head 13/07/2024 359 days 40km NNE

2765786 Bardsey Island    21/07/2022
Strumble Head 14/07/2024 1454 days 84km SSW

2547826 Little Saltee, Wexford      01/07/2022
Strumble Head        15/07/2024 745 days 104km E

The recovery history feature added this year to DemOn, the BTO online reporting tool, enables us to see that some Storm Petrels are also encountered in other locations between the ringing and our re-encounter dates.

As an example, the Storm Petrel ringed on Bardsey had also been re-encountered on the Lleyn peninsula

21/07/2020 Ringed Bae y Rhigol, Bardsey

31/07/2021 Porth Iago, Llangwnnadl

22/06/2023 Porth Iago, Llangwnnadl

14/07/2024 Strumble

The Storm Petrel ringed on Little Saltee had also been re-encountered in Cornwall

01/07/2022 ringed Little Saltee

18/06/2023 Gwennap Head, Porthgwarra

15/07/2024 Strumble

Strumble Head has the advantage of being a convenient site for visitors to come along to experience and learn more about our Storm Petrel ringing. Anyone is welcome to join us at a session.

One of our trainees, Anna Webberley, who works for Sea Trust , arranged a visit for some youngsters from the Marine Biology Club with their parents.

"Our Marine Biology Club had a fantastic time on Friday night on their trip to Strumble Head to see Storm Petrels being ringed with the Teifi Ringing Group! Everyone enjoyed learning more about the importance of bird ringing for conservation as well as getting to see these amazing seabirds up close. Both children and parents had a go at perfecting their ringing hold with Bernard the toy Gull, before getting the chance to help Teifi Ringing Group members release a Storm Petrel.

Thank you to the Teifi Ringing Group for letting us join the session and thank you to Stephen Hyam for photographing the evening!"

Sea Trust Marine Biology club at Strumble - Stephen Hyam

Rich D and Wendy J

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