Thursday 3 October 2024

Autumn delights

Mid September sessions on the Teifi Marshes have been limited by adverse weather conditions. On the 18th, after a typical session of mainly young Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, the final bird of the morning was a surprise 2nd year Peregrine Falcon

Mixed age brown and grey feathers on the mantle

Not many adults are ringed in the UK, just 5 in 2022 and none in Wales for at least 5 years. The majority are ringed as pulli in nests.

At other sites, Karen has been ringing Meadow Pipits on Dinas Mountain and a couple of sessions in Ty Rhyg forest. The most frequently encountered bird in the last 2 weeks being Goldfinch (44) at our garden CES site.

The next blog will contain more totals and some end of season summaries.

A recent unusual Starling recovery...

Starling   LL86339

Ringed  Bancyffordd, Carms 14/11/2019

Ring only found with a metal detector under a Peregrine nest (Schedule 1 permit)  Defynnog, Powys 11/09/2024 1762 days 51km ESE 

An interesting write up of Andy's work with Starlings in a previous blog

"Starlings, tricky blighters to re-catch"

Permits and training..

Ellyn and Brennig attended the Gower Ringing Course. Jane, who has who recently had a C permit with mist net endorsement, was there as well as a helper and Chris as an assessor.

Gower Ringing Course 2024

As we start October we look forward to the first Redwings, and autumn Blackcaps usually around the second week

(Wendy J and Rich D)

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