Monday 1 July 2019

Unexpected 3J Chaffinch moult 1/7/19

We are all used to partial post juv. moult and complete moult in adult Chaffinch but the shot below shows something that I have not experienced before although I have heard of others finding complete moult in first year birds. I always wondered how one could tell unless a re-trapped bird was referenced by ring number. Catching the bird in the process of moult makes it easier; in moult sequence, P1-5 are in various stages of growth, S1 is growing. The flight feather moult was symmetrical. In all other respects the bird was only just begining post juvenile moult with the lateral/ventral feather tracts showing through. So, A 3J, moult code M, new for me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that this is complete moult. As far as I can see from this image, it has grown/ is growing new primaries without new primary coverts. Most examples of so-called complete moult in juvenile finches aren't!

    David Norman
    Merseyside RG


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