A strange sight across the reed bed this morning with mist rising from the Mallard ride! Richard and his visiting nephew, Tom, must have been working up quite a sweat opening the nets to produce that.

With acro numbers not reaching the peaks of last August (our 2 Aquatic Warblers turned up this week last year) and plenty of pairs of hands this morning we added a 2 shelf wader net along Mallard pond edge for some extra excitement. This was our reward, a Green Sandpiper.

None were ringed in Wales in 2010 and only 3 in 2009.
Also overhead were a Spotted Redshank and Whimbrel so watch this space for another new TRG species before long!
We did catch another 19 acros in a couple of hours so the numbers for this year are slowly adding up (over 400 Sedge warblers so far this year).
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